The Third Twin is a French house musical duo from Paris, Île-de-France, France. The duo claim to be a philosophical-musical project that is aimed at progressing human development into a global society. Their project is composed of two parts: the first is aimed at the philosophy of our lives and the search for intelligent life and new forms of energy; the second part is an artistic movement that attempts to use music to unite humans to influence positive change. The Third Twin DJs consistently state that their identities are not important and may even draw attention away from the overall The Third Twin movement. Some blogs indicate that duo was supposedly made up by the twin brothers Yvan and Virgile de Homem-Christo, who are nephews of Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo, of Daft Punk.
Kinda weird, it remind me some old tunes i had on a CD i won 10 years ago...
RispondiEliminaSounds great ! nice!
RispondiEliminai thought it was ambient at first. it's like the music off wipeout or something =]
RispondiEliminaNot bad. A little simple but I liked it.